Narendra was born into a musical family in southern California.

from two years old he showed interest in music and at three years old, Narendra decided to play guitar.

Narendra learned basic chords and theory and jammed along to some basic power chord songs for many years.

Trying to be like the cool kids, at the age of eight narendra quit playing guitar.

He then enjoyed playing video games and making arts and crafts for years…BUT narendra after a while felt he was missing something,

…he did not quite know what it was. When he learned a valuable lesson of not having to do everything the cool kids do, he threw on some of Steve Vai's pasSION AND WAR FARE ALBUM AND STARTED ROCKING WITH NEW SKILLS AND VIGOR!

Narendra picked up new guitar skills faster than ever with the chords and theory he already knew, and of course he learned for the love of god by Steve vai the first thing.

The first year Narendra played house concerts and learned everything he could know about lead guitar from Steve Vai, Joe Satriani and much more


Narendra enrolled in OCSA (Orange County School Of The Arts) in Popular Music where narendra learned more advanced theory and audio engineering. Narendra had also already started making original music with his dad which eventually led to his new single “Sun’s Festival” and another three songs that will eventually be released into an EP. At almost three years narendra had learned many virtuosic techniques, is in the process of creating his own unique guitar technique and

has released his first single and is ready for more.


touring and playing through socal-Narendra is available for live shows, gigs, sessions, and product sponsorship.



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